Do you miss the good old days with the traditional family farms, and community spirit? Are you looking for a better way of life rather than scraping together a living? Do you have country skills that you’d love to share before they get forgotten or lost?

If so, you have come to the right place. We’re creating the jobs, and mentors will be paid to teach/share their knowledge too.

Nothing ever gets changed by fighting the existing reality. So, to be the change, a Trust has provided funding to build / showcase a new model to produce healthy organic produce without additives and sprays, using humane farming practices to render the existing model, (the one that we’re living in right now), both illogical and obsolete. We are going to bring back the traditional family farms and the community oriented lifestyle.

As country folks, we’ve already got a head start, because we know what we want and, we’ve already had a taste of what it was, and now we also know what it is that we don’t want too. This makes it easier for us to manifest into our reality. Please explore this website as I feel sure that we have something for everyone at all levels.

We cannot teach ‘drive’, nor ‘passion’, so, if you have both of these, we are especially looking for community minded individuals who have great business ideas, but just needs some help with the financing. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, this is to enhance the quality of life and services for the entire rural community. Please see the ‘JOBS‘ tab in the menu at the top.

THE PAST:    Modern life does have its advantages, but the rural communities have paid a very heavy price. When the farming community was thriving, everyone pitched in together to make it a success.

We had Harvest festivals, we helped our neighbours, our kindness and service to others spirit made us the envy of the cities. We were neighbourly, we looked out for each other and we were safe.

We were able to turn our hand to most things, we bartered, traded services for goods. We served each other, we knew everyone and people were taken care of when they were unable to take care of themselves. These were the good old days.

THE PRESENT:    The carefree lifestyle, service to others values and the traditional family farm of the rural communities has been decimated by corporate greed, corrupt government, unfair regulations and a divisive media that promotes division and hate.

Farms have been abandoned and left to fall, fields are spoiled and overgrown, Jobs are sparce and low paid and the lack of any prospects has forced country folk to move to the cities. Some city folk think that food comes from the shops. They do not realize that food comes from the farmers!

The saddest part is that the valuable knowledge, and traditional skills are being lost as well as the declining supply of local produce. We have substituted real food for foodlike products and the lack of nutrition is making us sick.

Although important, rural life wasn’t really about the money, it was the ‘way of life’, but now, even the community spirit is left floundering in survival mode as folks in desperation choose ‘service to self’ over ‘service to others’ just to afford to stay in the countryside. The farms, their jobs and the community heartbeat are not there any more.

THE FUTURE:    The Farms & Rural Community Project (FRCP) is an opportunity to show the potential and value of working together to highlight what can be achieved with the power of community while at the same time creating jobs, revitalizing the rural economy and ultimately, self sustainability.

The world will be able to follow along with our journey on our YouTube/Social Media channel which will showcase and teach the work being pioneered on this project for the world to share as we provide the template for other communities in any country to follow as we prove the power of what can be achieved with a small group of determined people who are committed to changing the world. After all, it’s the only thing that ever has.

We intend to expand the ‘Farm to Table’ principle on both ends. At the farm end, we include Mother Earth, Nature and also the Faeries. At the table end, we shall show how REAL food is medicine and expand on health and well-being beyond healing to also include Spiritual Awakening too. This also includes a very pro-active social media and marketing team/presence to teach/encourage and empower at every aspect.

Farms will be bought, refurbished, land rejuvenated, markets and jobs created, scholarships, apprenticeships and mentorships offered and entrepreneurs encouraged. The older generation will be paid to teach the newer generation and the knowledge and experience will be saved.

We shall host workshops, open days and teach how to do gardens, preserve/pickle, rural crafts and the joys that are available when we are at one with the land.

HOW IT WORKS:    The ultimate goal of the 10 year plan is to create a self-sustaining community with a diverse skilled workforce that will become mentors for those coming behind them as a template for the world to share. To have a world-wide community that’s empowered by the results of ‘service to others’ and the importance of a healthy balance of work and opportunities to pursue the passions that feed our soul.  All of this works to re-build the importance of family values and community.


position available

position available

Farms Manager

Pioneering fresh thinking in agriculture. Organic all the way.

Grenville woollacott
Grenville woollacott


Changing farming practices to ensure healthy food choices. Food and frequencies are proving to be the new health system.

position available

position available

Farms Manager

Pioneering fresh thinking in agriculture. Organic all the way.

Position Available

Position Available


Our ‘go-to’ person for FRCP, Healing Owl & Fairy Wood. Must be approachable and community spirited.


This is the area chosen by the Trust to be part of the Farms & Rural Community Project (FRCP).

It starts at the City Limits of Fredericton, NB and extends along Route 620 (Royale Rd), as far out as Maple Grove, NB (just off of Route 625).

The FRCP will be sub-divided into seven areas/parishes, Maple Grove, Williamsburg, Stanley, Tay Creek, Upper Woodlands, Hamtown Corner, and Estey’s Bridge.

We cannot teach ‘drive’, nor ‘passion’, so, if you have both of these, we are especially looking for community minded individuals who have great business ideas, but just needs some help with the financing.

This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, this is to enhance the quality of life and services for the highest and greatest good of the entire rural community.

Please see the ‘JOBS‘ tab in the menu at the top.